Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Move now or be lost

Well, no deep thoughts to go with deep water. A storm blew through last night, and it left me swollen and sore this morning--air pressure is a killer. I had time between appointments today to check out the riverside and, as I suspected, it was swollen pretty well. Something about a "No Parking" sign nearly covered and washed away by the currents amused me. I hope folks were paying attention to the sign before the river rose. This is just below the flood wall near a dock for putting boats in the river. I played with the image to give the river a darker look, it was closer to grey than brown. If I were to give this a name, it would probably be "He Who Hesitates" or something along those lines. I may add another image from today later, but I wanted to get at least one up.

This did put in mind of when I was 5 or 6, when my Mother took me down to the floodwall. We climbed to the top and stood on the train tracks that sit there. Not long before, I watched them put the gates in place. From the top of the wall, you could reach down and touch the water--it was an amazing experience to look out where I had seen homes--I even knew some folks who lived on that side of the wall and see the river swollen to the top of it. In typical child fashion, I skipped a rock or three--or probably more.